We are a community mikvah, serving women of the Capital Region.
Call 518-694-9961 to schedule t’vilah.
340 Whitehall Road
Albany, NY 12208
We are located on the campus of the Albany JCC, in the SE corner of the parking lot, adjacent the Main St entrance
Women’s T’vilah Available by Appointment Only
We kindly request 48-72 hours advance notice for scheduling. To schedule an appointment, please call 518-694-9961 and leave a message. For more urgent requests, please contact Shayna at 518-366-3380.
Keilim Mikvah
The Keilim Mikvah is available for your use without an appointment. Access is at the side of the building. Please only use during daylight hours to respect the privacy of women.
About Our Mikvah

We are a community mikvah and non-profit organization. Our operations are overseen by a volunteer Executive Board, and a team of shomrot. Rabbi Ben Kean of Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob currently serves as the Rav HaMachshir. Rabbi Yitzchok Trieger serves as the supervising Rav.
In addition to the women who use it monthly for Taharat Hamishpacha (family purity), B’nos Israel Mikvah opens its doors to brides and tour groups. We also serve those who are converting to Judaism, as well as women travelers.
OUR MIKVAHS: We have two immersion Mikvaot: Side-By-Side (bor geshomim on side of immersion pool) and Bor Al Gabei Bor (bor geshomim under immersion pool – Chabad standard) . We also have a Keilim Mikvah (utensil), accessible at the side of the building without appointment.
HISTORY: The rabbis of the Capital District united to create a community Mikvah project in 1993, following the closing of the Elm St. mikvah in downtown Albany. The Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York helped facilitate the project while the Albany Jewish Community Center graciously provided land on their own property. The project was spear-headed by Rabbi Dr. Moshe Bomzer, who saw the project from inception to completion.